Thursday, August 21, 2008

A New Start

I don't blog much, but I want to. So, now with a new job starting up for me, I am going to attempt to post more often. So, here it is! My first true attempt at blogging.

I just got hired on with Student Venture, which is exciting and scary. I am going to be working to raise support for probably the next few months. I once loathed the idea so much that I didn't want to join staff with Campus Crusade for Christ or any other non-profit organization. Gradually, I started to think that maybe it might not be so bad. But now, as I am working through some support-raising materials (mostly training messages), I am beginning to see how good a process it can be. I don't necessarily think it will be more fun, but I am gaining slowly more and more Biblical perspective on what support really is, and how long that sort of thing has really been going on. So, hopefully, I will keep focused on what is true as I go out to raise support for this job.

I also got a new tattoo (my first). And that is exciting. I have been thinking about it for quite some time now and finally just decided to go out and do it. I knew exactly what I wanted to get and where it was going to go. The only pitfall is, once you get one, you want a second...and so on. I'm already thinking about what to get next, but I am going to let this tattoo marinate/percolate first. But keep your eyes peeled for the next installment, so to speak. I will post pictures of the tattoo ASAP.

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*Whitney* said...
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